Roslyn Williams' Services

What’s different about my service approach as a coach, leadership developer or facilitatoR?

  • A door to your narrative. We’ll explore what gives you meaning, your values and your identity. If you have a strong sense of yourself and your vision and purpose, then you’ll be more likely to transcend a mechanical or task focus and inspire and enable others.
  • A reflective space. Effective leaders are more reflective leaders.  In our time together, you will have opportunity to ponder:
    • What happened? – Currently or in the past…
    • So what? – What’s it mean for me and what can I learn from it?
    • Now what? – What will I do with that?
  • Challenge. Let’s explore together, sensitively and respectfully, the assumptions, defaults and mental models that drive you. Are these enablers or barriers to what you want to know, do, be?  I will ask you to hold steady here, be honest and courageous in your analysis and experimentation towards your goals.
  • A pathway to unlock your potential. We’ll work to map your strengths and preferences, what motivates you and who or what supports you.  Knowing your strengths is galvanizing – it breeds belief and the will to act to harness strengths. 
  • A mindful and positive mindset. Many of us have very close relationships with our inner critics. Recognising your own ‘inner game’[1] is key.  Perfectionism is exhausting – it may mean you’re driven by the fear of failing or being less than perfect. Together we can inject some confidence and pragmatism to the mix – let perfect go in the name of good enough.  
  • A solution focus. What we focus on subsumes our vision.[2] There’s a quite persistent deficit approach visible across multiple business and industry sectors, despite the diversity of our culture. The kneejerk to fix stuff, solve problems, rescue others, may blind us to possibility or lateral directions. My work with you is designed to broaden and build[3] your thinking and sense of opportunity. 
  •  A systems lens.  Let’s go ‘to the balcony’[4] to see what’s happening, minimise your blind spots and foster deeper thinking about your interior and exterior worlds.  You may surface things you haven’t acknowledged or acted on before.  This recognition means a more lively awareness of how things interconnect and impact on you and your goals.
  • A contemporary theory and evidence base.  There will be moments in the course of a program or engagement when I might share with you/the group a topical idea, independent model or article. Or I may draw on a diagnostic tool, your performance agreement or 360 feedback.  These moments are useful inputs to help you tap into relevant theory, or other people’s perspectives of what’s happening and how you show up.
  •  A mix of care, compassion and challenge.  I’m described as a warm and engaging coach and facilitator who brings powerful presence and incremental stretch, without fear or alienation.  Together we create a safe holding space – rich with trust, connection and robust conversations.
[1] Tim Gallwey, [2] Peter Drucker, [3] Fredrickson, [4] Heiffetz

1:1 Coaching



This involves a regular program of one-to-one coaching sessions, which is supplemented between sessions with email and phone contact. Keeping the dialogue open in this way builds trust and momentum.  

Group Work & Leadership Development


Roslyn works with groups in a holistic or gestalt way, using reflection, group process, feedback and social learning to help individuals expand perspective, move beyond the transactional, understand overt and covert markers in the group dynamic, how we experience each other and the attracting and distancing factors at play. These sessions are open and flexible but still structured conversations designed to help people explore different interpersonal and team dimensions and engage in robust conversations about possibilities and shifts they might make. 


Post Session Feedback


With all of my services, my practice is to:

  • Give you a summary of highlights from a session;
  • Forward relevant reflections/models/readings; and
  • Engage with you on how you’re tracking - what’s working well or less well and why. 

For busy clients, this feedback aspect is popular as it:

  • Saves you valuable time;
  • Is a free part of the service;
  • Provides a useful reminder to maintain reflection/momentum; and
  • Acts as a reference point - a means by which we can gauge progress and test how well (or otherwise) new tactics and behaviours have worked and why.